Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Main Content

woman receiving Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation treatment
NeuroStar logo that says Advanced Therapy for Mental Health

Baptist Behavioral Health


We have appointments available now for TMS. Call us or fill out the below form.

TMS in Jacksonville

Baptist Behavioral Health offers transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) as a non-drug, non-invasive treatment option for major depressive disorder. Neurostar® TMS Therapy is:

  • FDA approved
  • drug-free
  • non-invasive, meaning no surgery
  • clinically proven
  • often used when other treatments aren't successful

What is TMS and how does it work?
TMS uses a targeted magnetic pulse, similar to what is used in an MRI machine, to alter the patterns of your brain to decrease the symptoms of depression. TMS stimulates and awakens areas of the brain that are usually less active in depressed individuals to help relieve the symptoms of depression and improve a patient’s quality of life.

TMS may be right for you if you identify with 2 or more of these statements:

  1. Depression symptoms have interfered with my daily life.
  2. I am not satisfied with the results I get from depression medication.
  3. I have had or worry about side effects from depression medications.
  4. I have switched medications for depression due to side effects.
  5. I am interested in a proven, non-drug therapy for depression.
TMS works! Call us to learn more or schedule a consultation

Frequently Asked Questions

NeuroStar logo that says Advanced Therapy for Mental Health

Baptist Behavioral Health


We have appointments available now for TMS. Call us or fill out the below form.

Request a TMS Consultation

Complete this form and one of our TMS coordinators will call you.


VIDEO: Kelly's Story

TMS Providers

Content Section 1

TMS at Baptist Health