Photo of Caroline Turner, PA

Caroline Turner, PA

Physician Assistant

Caroline Turner, PA Office and Other Patient Information

Advanced Practice Providers

Nurse Practitioners (APRNs) and Physician Assistants (PAs) are an important part of the Baptist Health team and help us increase timely access to care.

You'll see these advanced practice providers caring for patients in a variety of medical specialties at doctor's offices, hospitals, outpatient centers and emergency rooms. They have advanced medical education and work closely with physicians to diagnose and treat patients, and even prescribe medication.

Caroline Turner, PA Biography and Info

Caroline Dodd, MPAS, is a board-certified physician’s assistant with an abiding love of children and a strong interest in pediatric cardiology. She believes in educating her patients and their family members in an accessible way so they feel confident dealing with any diagnosis.

About Me

I was born and raised in Jacksonville and absolutely love living here. My husband and I enjoy going to the beach, playing golf and exploring the food and culture Jacksonville has to offer.

My philosophy of care is to take as much time as necessary when working with my patients and their families. I think it is essential that they understand these complex issues they are managing so they feel confident outside of the clinical setting.

I hope that even young patients can gain an understanding of their diagnosis so they can become their own advocate as they face challenges in the future. I want all patients to feel as if I am caring for them as I would my own family member.

I was born and raised in Jacksonville and absolutely love living here. My husband and I enjoy going to the beach, playing golf and exploring the food and culture Jacksonville has to offer.

My philosophy of care is to take as much time as necessary when working with my patients and their families. I think it is essential that they understand these complex issues they are managing so they feel confident outside of the clinical setting.

I hope that even young patients can gain an understanding of their diagnosis so they can become their own advocate as they face challenges in the future. I want all patients to feel as if I am caring for them as I would my own family member.


  • Advanced Practice Provider


  • Physician Assistant


  • National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (Physician Assistant)


  • English

Hospital Affiliation

  • Wolfson Children's Hospital

Legal Practice Name

  • Baptist Specialty Physicians Inc.

Caroline Turner, PA Additional Information

Education & Training

  • Bachelor of Science in Health Science - Undergraduate

    University of North Florida - Jacksonville , FL

    2013 – 2017

  • Master's Degree in Physician Assistant - Graduate

    University of Florida - Gainesville , FL

    2019 – 2021