Photo of Abby Usselmann, APRN

Abby Usselmann, APRN

Advanced Practice Registered Nurse

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Abby Usselmann, APRN Office and Other Patient Information

Primary Office

Office 1: The Jacksonville Sleep Center

6930 Bonneval Road , #2b
, Jacksonville, FL 32216


Book an appointment online

Advanced Practice Providers

Nurse Practitioners (APRNs) and Physician Assistants (PAs) are an important part of the Baptist Health team and help us increase timely access to care.

You'll see these advanced practice providers caring for patients in a variety of medical specialties at doctor's offices, hospitals, outpatient centers and emergency rooms. They have advanced medical education and work closely with physicians to diagnose and treat patients, and even prescribe medication.

Abby Usselmann, APRN Biography and Info

Abby Usselmann, APRN, has been providing patient care for nearly a decade and has been working as a nurse practitioner for several years. Abby has worked in both inpatient and outpatient settings, but in recent years, she has been providing care to patients with sleep disorders. Her areas of expertise include:

  • Direct Patient Care
  • Sleep Medicine

About Me

My husband and I have recently moved to Jacksonville and are looking forward to exploring the area. I enjoy spending time with family and friends, being outdoors, and traveling when able.

I strive to provide patients with evidence-based, patient-centered care. My goal is for every patient to leave feeling their concerns have been heard and they have the information needed to make positive changes for their health.


  • Advanced Practice Registered Nurse


  • American Nurses Credentialing Center


  • English

Legal Practice Name

  • Baptist Cardiology Inc

Ages Treated

  • Adult
  • Senior

Abby Usselmann, APRN Additional Information

Education & Training

  • Bachelors of Science in Nursing - Undergraduate

    Saint Louis University - St. Louis , MO

    2012 – 2016

  • Master of Science in Nursing - Graduate

    Maryville University - St. Louis , MO

    2017 – 2020