After 911
Every second matters for a stroke patient.
Article Author: Wesley Roberts
Article Date:

Every 40 seconds, someone in the U.S. has a stroke. It's the leading cause of disability in the nation and the fifth leading cause of death.
During a stroke, every second matters. Early detection and access to prompt treatment not only save lives but lessen a patient's chance of developing long-term disabilities.
High-quality stroke care
Each stroke is different and treatment needs can vary depending on the type and complexity. Through its network of hospitals, Emergency Centers and telestroke capabilities, Baptist Health provides timely access to high-quality stroke care and services across Northeast Florida and Southeast Georgia.
Within Baptist Health's network is the Comprehensive Stroke Center at Baptist Medical Center Jacksonville. It has the highest stroke certification in the region and is equipped to treat any kind of stroke or complication.
"When people who are showing the signs and symptoms of a stroke are taken to a Comprehensive Stroke Center, like Baptist Medical Center Jacksonville, it can make a significant difference in outcomes and recovery," said Nima Aghaebrahim, MD, neurointerventionalist with Lyerly Neurosurgery at Baptist Health.
"We have a dedicated multidisciplinary team at the hospital 24/7 to care for stroke patients," said Dr. Nima. "We're committed to excellence for our patients and their loved ones."
The journey of a stroke patient
So what exactly happens after someone calls 911 for a suspected stroke?

Call 911 if you or your loved one experiences signs or symptoms of stroke.
The Stroke & Cerebrovascular Center at Baptist Medical Center Jacksonville is a Joint Commission-Certified Comprehensive Stroke Center dedicated to the rapid diagnosis and treatment of stroke. To learn more, visit