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Preeclampsia answers

Debunking myths about the serious pregnancy-related condition.

Article Author: Juliette Allen

Article Date:

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Pregnancy and childbirth are often filled with joy. Sometimes, though, serious complications can put both mom and baby at risk.

Preeclampsia, a condition in which a woman suddenly develops high blood pressure and protein in the urine, affects an estimated 2% to 8% of all pregnancies, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Untreated, it can progress into eclampsia, which is a life-threatening emergency.

Cassidi, Ennen, RN, a home nurse educator for Baptist Health’s WELLcome Home postpartum maternal wellness program, debunked some common myths about preeclampsia.

When you find out you’re expecting, you have so many questions. At Baptist Health and Wolfson Children’s Hospital, we have answers and we’ll be with you every step of the way. To learn more about pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum services, visit baptistjax.com/baby.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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