Best of Bold City
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With 58 offices and over 200 providers, Baptist Primary Care has the right doctor for you. Offices throughout northeast Florida in Duval, St. Johns, Clay and Nassau.
Some of our larger offices have providers for the entire family, with pediatricians, family medicine doctors, internal medicine doctors and geriatricians. Other offices focus on just one type of age group. Same-day, next-day and virtual care appointments may be available.
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Easily find a primary care office and provider using our search tool. Choose from 57 Offices and 200+ Providers. Once you choose a provider, you'll see available appointment dates and times and can book directly online.
A Baptist Health care coordinator will get to know you and what you’re looking for in a doctor, and then match you with one that's right for you.
Pediatrician - cares for babies, children & teens
Internist - treats adults
Family physician - caring for children and adults
Geriatrician - focused on the aging process and needs of older adults
Hospitalist - cares for hospitalized patients