Cancer care close to home

Of course cancer is never convenient, but getting treatment is easier for Lee Conte now that Baptist Medical Center South offers cancer care through Baptist Health's partnership with Houston-based MD Anderson Cancer Center, the nation's leading cancer hospital.
After being diagnosed with stage 2 pancreatic cancer in March 2018, Conte needed infusion therapy (chemotherapy) to help stop the spread. Her first few treatments were at the main Baptist MD Anderson facility in San Marco, which is not close to Conte’s home. Not comfortable with driving in unfamiliar areas, her daughter graciously agreed to take Conte to her appointments.
“My daughter was so sweet to take me, but I felt badly, because she would have to take time off work without pay to get me there,” Conte said.
Then her oncologist, Zheng Topp, MD, shared some good news. Baptist South, where Conte had volunteered for eight years, would soon be offering cancer treatment services through Baptist Health’s partnership with MD Anderson.
Conte was relieved to hear that she’d be able to drive herself now that the location was closer and much easier for her to navigate. She was already familiar with Baptist South’s campus after serving as a volunteer.
Baptist MD Anderson Cancer Center at Baptist South has leading cancer doctors, targeted radiation therapy, infusion therapy, specialized oncology pharmacists, and nurse navigators who provide supportive care throughout the cancer journey.
“I feel like I have a little more independence now that I can drive myself to my appointments,” said Conte. “The medical team is wonderful here. We have great conversations and they treat me like a friend.”
Conte recently brought the staff at Baptist South “pizzelles,” her famous Italian cookies. “Despite what I am going through, they always get me to laugh.”
To learn more, visit Baptist MD Anderson Cancer Center.