Ruby Satpathy, MD, FACC, FSCAI
Medical Director, Structural Heart Program
Innovative treatments for heart valve conditions and structural issues
More people in Northeast Florida choose our Structural Heart Program for their procedures. Here's why:
Call our Structural Heart Scheduler. One number for easy scheduling.
Call our Structural Heart Scheduler. One number for easy scheduling.
The Structural Heart Program at Baptist Health is one of the top programs in the country with higher volumes of treatment and better outcomes than national medians. Dr. Satpathy’s team was the first to use the “magic stitch,” a minimally invasive technique that allows patients to recover, walk, and be discharged sooner and with fewer complications.
Minimally invasive procedures such as the MitraClip® are available at Baptist's Valve Clinic.
PVL Closure
Paravalvular leak repair at Baptist Health.
1st in Southeast to implant new afib treatment
Baptist Heart Specialists leads the way following FDA approval.
The device, Amplatzer™ Amulet™ Left Atrial Appendage Occluder, is designed to treat patients with Afib (irregular heartbeats) who are unable to tolerate blood thinners to reduce risk of stroke.
Because structural heart patients and procedures are complex, experience and expertise is crucial to ensuring optimal patient outcomes. Our nationally recognized team uses a multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis and treatment planning through our Valve Clinic. Patients benefit from this personalized, coordinated care as well as our comprehensive range of medical and surgical treatment options.
Medical Director, Structural Heart Program
Interventional Cardiologist
Thoracic and Cardiac Surgeon; Chief of Cardiac Surgery at Baptist Medical Center Jacksonville
Thoracic Surgeon
Cardiothoracic Surgeon
The Valve Clinic at Baptist offers expert diagnosis and care from a multidisciplinary team of interventional cardiologists and cardiothoracic surgeons specializing in minimally invasive techniques.
Led by Ruby Satpathy, MD, FACC, FSCAI, our Valve Clinic is conveniently located in the offices of Baptist Heart Specialists at Baptist Jacksonville to provide patients with complex valve conditions a single location where they can be seen by multiple specialists without having to make multiple appointments.
Call our Structural Heart Scheduler at 904.202.9500 to learn more about WATCHMAN or make an appointment at our Valve Clinic.
This team uses a multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis and treatment planning called a Valve Conference, where details of each case are discussed to create the best plan for the patient.
Here you’ll find patient success stories and news about innovative procedures being performed by the structural heart team.
Baptist Health celebrates medical milestone - the completion of the 300th minimally invasive procedure to treat mitral regurgitation.
Learn how Baptist Heart Specialists' is once again leading the way in minimally invasive, high-risk heart valve repair.
Baptist Heart Specialists take patient from ‘on the way out’ to ‘on the mend.’
Once without hope, man thrives after heart surgery.
Stroke survivor focuses on future after innovative new treatment for Afib.
No longer short of breath, 78-year-old Jacksonville man looks forward to returning to his first love: playing the drums.
Minimally invasive heart valve replacement speeds recovery, with fewer side effects.
When Alan Yakabow, an 83-year old neurologist and psychiatrist, needed help treating his newly-diagnosed mitral valve regurgitation (MR), he turned to Baptist Medical Center Nassau and Ruby Satpathy, MD, FACC, FSCAI, at Baptist Heart Specialists. She had treated his wife’s MR five years before, so she is the one he trusted to perform the procedure that could repair his heart.
"I know Dr. Satpathy. I believe in her. She’s my doc."
Dr. Yakabow is back to doing what he loves after a successful procedure: walking up to seven miles a day, providing pro-bono medical care at the VA and traveling with his wife. “Life is good,” he said.