Rabeya Nazer, APRN Office and Other Patient Information
Primary Office
Office 1: Baptist Primary Care
, Jacksonville, FL 32211
Advanced Practice Providers
Nurse Practitioners (APRNs) and Physician Assistants (PAs) are an important part of the Baptist Health team and help us increase timely access to care.
You'll see these advanced practice providers caring for patients in a variety of medical specialties at doctor's offices, hospitals, outpatient centers and emergency rooms. They have advanced medical education and work closely with physicians to diagnose and treat patients, and even prescribe medication.
Rabeya Nazer, APRN Biography and Info
Rabeya Nazer, APRN, is a board-certified family nurse practitioner. She is licensed in the state of Florida and holds a national certification with the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, specializing in family medicine with a focus on prevention and wellness. Outside of the office, Rabeya loves spending time and traveling with her husband and two daughters. Her philosophy of care is to, not only treat her patients when they’re sick, but to also educate them on preventive care before health issues arise in the future. Her areas of expertise include:
- Preventive Care
- Chronic Disease Management
- Family Medicine
About Me
I love to spend time with my family. I have two beautiful daughters. My husband and our daughters like to travel. Because of my experiences with my patients, being able to make a small difference in their lives helps me keep going even in a stressful situation.
My philosophy of care is as much about healing as it is about preventive care and educating my patients.
- Advanced Practice Registered Nurse
- English
Legal Practice Name
- Baptist Primary Care Inc
Ages Treated
- Adolescent
- Teen
- Adult
- Senior
Rabeya Nazer, APRN Additional Information
Education & Training
Master of Science - Nursing - Graduate
University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa