Kristie Driver, MD, MPH Office and Other Patient Information
Primary Office
Office 1: Baptist Primary Care
, Jacksonville, FL 32210
Kristie Driver, MD, MPH Biography and Info
Kristie Driver, MD, MPH, is committed to practicing preventive medicine through patient education and tailoring care that meets the individual needs of all her patients. Dr. Driver enjoys being able to treat the entire family with high-quality, compassionate and individualized care. Her areas of expertise include:
- NEW: Online doctor visits
- Preventive Care - Physical Exams
- Adolescent, well child and well women exams
- School/Sports Physicals
- Anxiety and Depression
- Weight Loss Management
- Hypertension/ High Blood Pressure
- Birth Control, including pills, Depo shot, Nexplanon
About Me
I’m a Nashville native who gained an interest in the elimination of health care disparities among underserved populations while earning a master’s degree in public health. While in Baltimore, I served as a clinical research fellow at Johns Hopkins University for three years and as a motivational speaker to help improve student achievement in Maryland.
I believe in delivering the best care and resources to my patients, regardless of their socioeconomic status, and enjoy treating the entire family, from the very young to the elderly.
- Family Medicine
- American Board of Family Medicine (Family Medicine)
- English
Hospital Affiliation
- Baptist Medical Center Jacksonville
- Baptist Medical Center Beaches
- Baptist Medical Center South
Legal Practice Name
- Baptist Primary Care Inc.
Kristie Driver, MD, MPH Additional Information
Education & Training
Doctor of Medicine - Medical School
American University of Antigua - Osbourn
2009 – 2010
Master of Public Health - Graduate
Walden University - Minneapolis , MN
2010 – 2012
Master of Public Health - University
Walden University
2010 – 2012
University of Arkansas For Medical Sciences - Little Rock , AR
2014 – 2017