Bonnie Appler, PA Office and Other Patient Information
Primary Office
Office 1: Baptist Heart Specialists
, Jacksonville, FL 32207
Advanced Practice Providers
Nurse Practitioners (APRNs) and Physician Assistants (PAs) are an important part of the Baptist Health team and help us increase timely access to care.
You'll see these advanced practice providers caring for patients in a variety of medical specialties at doctor's offices, hospitals, outpatient centers and emergency rooms. They have advanced medical education and work closely with physicians to diagnose and treat patients, and even prescribe medication.
Bonnie Appler, PA Biography and Info
Bonnie Appler, DMS, PA-C, CLS, is a seasoned cardiology PA and clinical lipid specialist with concentrations in advanced lipidology, preventive cardiology, heart failure, and vascular disease. Bonnie has been a PA for more than 15 years and enjoys teaching, speaking, and educating. She has been an adjunct professor at multiple PA schools and traveled nationwide in her education roles. Her areas of expertise include:
- Lipid Management
- Primary Prevention
- Heart Failure
- Cardiac Amyloid
About Me
My husband, three sweet children, and I moved to Jacksonville in 2022, and have absolutely loved it here! We love spending time outdoors, on the water, and at the beach.
I have greatly enjoyed caring for patients for many years. I treat my patients like family. I truly believe prevention is key and collaboration between patient and provider is a must! I believe everyone deserves appropriate and up-to-date patient-centered care.
- Physician Assistant
- National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants
- English
Hospital Affiliation
- Baptist Medical Center Jacksonville
- Baptist Medical Center South
- Baptist Medical Center Beaches
- Baptist Medical Center Nassau
- Baptist Medical Center Clay
Legal Practice Name
- Baptist Cardiology Inc
Ages Treated
- Adult
- Senior
Bonnie Appler, PA Additional Information
Education & Training
Bachelor of Science - Undergraduate
University of South Florida
Doctor of Medical Science - Post Graduate
Lynchburg University
Masters in Management Studies - Graduate
Wake Forest University
Bachelor of Science - Undergraduate
Masters in Management Studies - Graduate
Wake Forest University
2007 – 2009
Doctor of Medical Science - Graduate
University of Lynchburg
2022 – 2022