Brandi Wiggins, APRN Office and Other Patient Information
Primary Office
Office 1: Baptist Infectious Disease Consultants
, Jacksonville, FL 32207
Advanced Practice Providers
Nurse Practitioners (APRNs) and Physician Assistants (PAs) are an important part of the Baptist Health team and help us increase timely access to care.
You'll see these advanced practice providers caring for patients in a variety of medical specialties at doctor's offices, hospitals, outpatient centers and emergency rooms. They have advanced medical education and work closely with physicians to diagnose and treat patients, and even prescribe medication.
Brandi Wiggins, APRN Biography and Info
Brandi Wiggins, APRN is a certified Advanced Practice Registered Nurse with a foundation of care that was built at the bedside and in the clinical laboratory. It was during her time working in Microbiology that her interest was sparked for Infectious Diseases and Infection Prevention. She has worked in Medical/ Surgical and Progressive Care units. Her areas of expertise include
- Infectious Diseases
- Clostridioides Difficile Infections
- Urinary Tract Infections
- Cellulitus
- Sexually Transmitted Diseases
About Me
I am a native of Jacksonville, Fl and currently reside in Clay County with my husband and our two boys. We spend much of our time camping across the state of Florida and the Southeastern US to allow our boys to chase checkered flags on the dirt bike track. We share a love for the outdoors, sports, and music.
My philosophy of care is centered around each unique patient. I like to spend time with my patients and allow them the opportunity to play an active role in their care and treatment plans. Patient safety, education, health promotion and prevention are key components to the care I provide.
- Advanced Practice Registered Nurse
- American Association of Nurse Practitioners (Family Nurse Practitioner)
- English
Legal Practice Name
- Baptist Primary Care Inc
Ages Treated
- Adult
- Senior
Brandi Wiggins, APRN Additional Information
Education & Training
Bachelor of Clinical Laboratory Sciences - Undergraduate
Weber State University
Master of Science in Nursing - Graduate
Chamberlain University
Master of Science in Nursing - Graduate
Chamberlain University