Malisa Wetmore, PA-C Office and Other Patient Information
Primary Office
Office 1: Baptist MD Anderson Cancer Center
, Jacksonville, FL 32207
Advanced Practice Providers
Nurse Practitioners (APRNs) and Physician Assistants (PAs) are an important part of the Baptist Health team and help us increase timely access to care.
You'll see these advanced practice providers caring for patients in a variety of medical specialties at doctor's offices, hospitals, outpatient centers and emergency rooms. They have advanced medical education and work closely with physicians to diagnose and treat patients, and even prescribe medication.
Malisa Wetmore, PA-C Biography and Info
Malisa Wetmore, PA-C has more than 25 years of experience in general orthopedics and orthopedic oncology. She is passionate about patient care and strives to treat each patient as she would want her family members treated. Malisa enjoys teaching and has given several lectures to local family practice physicians, fellow physician assistants and nurse practitioners. She also accepts PA students for rotations during their training. Her areas of expertise include:
- Orthopedic Oncology
- General Orthopedics
About Me
I have lived in Jacksonville since 1998. My husband, and our twin girls, share a love of traveling and spending family time together. I am actively involved with my church, participating in outreach at the UCOM food pantry, and other community events.
I have an innate desire to care for others. I believe in expressing love, compassion and honesty with my patients. I believe that listening to patient concerns and health issues will enable us to better diagnose and treat the underlying problem.
- Physician Assistant
- National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants
- English
Hospital Affiliation
- Baptist Medical Center Jacksonville
Legal Practice Name
- Baptist MD Anderson Cancer Physicians, Inc.
Ages Treated
- Adult
- Senior
Malisa Wetmore, PA-C Additional Information
Education & Training
Master of Physician Assistant Studies - Post Graduate
University of Florida - Gainesville , FL
1996 – 1998
Master's Degree in Physician Assistant - Graduate
University of Florida - Gainesville , FL
1996 – 1998
Medical School
University of Florida - Gainesville , FL
1996 – 1998
Master's Degree in Physician Assistant - Medical School
University of Florida Gainesville - Gainesville , FL
1996 – 1998